Thursday, September 29, 2011

Upper Body Stretches

Stretching is a simple physical activity. Regular stretching throughout the day will, reduce muscle tension, improve circulation, reduce anxiety, stress and fatigue, improve mental alertness and make you feel better!!! In addition, stretching can improve joint range of movement and function, enhance muscular performance, and be used to prevent and treat musculoskeletal injuries.

The right way to stretch
· Breathe normally, try not to hold your breath
· Relax
· Focus on muscles and joints being stretched
· Never bounce or stretch to the point of pain
· Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds
· Feel the stretch

Standing bring one arm across in front of body. Hold arm straight in place with other hand at the elbow.  Be sure to keep  your shoulder down and back.  Gently put pressure on elbow to feel stretch at posterior shoulder. 

Stand with one arm bent behind head so that hand touches middle upper back.  Hold arm with other hand at the elbow.  Be sure to keep head up and look straight ahead.  Gently put pressure on elbow to feel stretch down the back of upper arm.

Side Stretch
Stand with the feet close to a pole, hold the pole with
the arm closest at shoulder height and the other arm
over the head.
Allow the hips to fall away from the pole stretching
 from the outside armpit down towards the hips.

Stand front on to the pole with your feet together and knees slightly bent, hold the pole at about shoulder height.
Gently fall away from the pole allowing the body to sink back in the shoulders. Keep the chin tucked in towards the chest at all times.

Pectoralis – Clavicular Head
(Pec Major)
Stand beside a pole with arm resting behind the pole, keep your shoulder and elbow at 90°.
Maintaining even hips and shoulders step forward with the opposite leg.

Pectoralis - Sternal Head
(Pec Minor)
Stand beside a pole with your arm resting behind the pole. Your elbow should be above the level of your shoulder.
Step forward with the opposite leg to the side being stretched keeping your shoulders straight ahead.  If necessary drop the hip closest to the bar away from the shoulder.

For more information
Wesley Corporate Health
Level 2 / 46 Edward Street
Brisbane  Qld  4000
Phone:  07 3234 2600


This Fact Sheet is provided for your information only and does not replace qualified medical advice. The information provided may not apply to every person or all situations. A medical practitioner should be consulted for all treatment and medication.

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