Friday, September 30, 2011

Healthy Shortcuts

Time Savers
· Use frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. They reduce preparation time and their nutritional value is similar to their fresh counterparts, with the exception of added salt and/or sugar. Prepared salad and vegetable mixes e.g. Stir Fry Mix are also readily available and only require the addition of sauce or dressing.
· Use fresh pasta or couscous as these require much less cooking time than dried pasta and rice.
· Make use of stir through pasta, chicken and curry sauces (choose low fat varieties).
· Use canned fish e.g. salmon and tuna. These can be added to pastas, bakes and salads. They don’t require any additional cooking and are high in healthy oils.
· Buy pre-trimmed and sliced meat and chicken. Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine Meals are great for 1 or 2 people.
· Cook extra when you do cook, and freeze the left-over for another night.
· Invest in good cooking tools - sharp knives will help decrease preparation time and injury.

Quick Cooking
· Make the most out of your microwave. Microwave meals can be quick and appetising and there are many microwave recipe books available. Alternatively, partially cook food such as vegetables to shorten the baking time.
· Stir fry is a quick and low fat cooking method. Try using different sauces such as soy, fish or oyster for an Asian flare. Use herbs (fresh and dried) and spices such as garlic, ginger, coriander and lemongrass. Curry spices and low fat yoghurt are a great low calorie alternative to curry sauces/pastes. There are lots of different ideas on the internet.
· BBQ’s are a great way to cook a lot of food at once. Aside from the traditional steak and sausages, you can cook grilled vegetables, kebabs, foil wrapped fish, chicken and even desserts likes pancakes!
· Make your own pizzas using lavish breads, tomato paste and toppings of your choice, they take 5 - 10mins in the oven and are fun for the kids to help with preparation!

Keep it frozen
Make large meals on the weekend and freeze leftovers for lunch or dinner during the week. Some foods and meals that freeze well include:
· Lasagne
· Pasta sauces
· Boiled rice
· Soups
· Curries and meat loaves
· Breads, muffins, cakes
· Biscuit doughs
· Cooked fruits and vegetables e.g. (stewed apple, mashed potato).
For more information see the National Centre for Home Food Preservation website at:

Leftover Makeovers
If you don’t want to freeze your leftovers or the thought of the same meal the next day gets you down try these leftover makeovers:

· Add diced leftover meat and vegetables to a bottle of pasta sauce, heat through and serve with pasta.
· Use for great lunch time jaffles.
· Dice cooked meats and vegetables and spread on top of a pita bread with tomato paste, herbs and cheese for tasty mini pizzas.
· Leftover mashed potato can be mixed with a can of tuna/salmon and a little seasoning then cook in a Teflon pan or with a spray of oil to make quick fish cakes.
· Leftover meats are great for quick curries, stroganoff or casseroles.

N.B. Unfrozen leftovers more than 3 days old should be thrown away.

For more information
Wesley Corporate Health
Level 2 / 46 Edward Street
Brisbane  Qld  4000
Phone:  07 3234 2600

For more information on modifying recipes and other useful tips visit

This Fact Sheet is provided for your information only and does not replace qualified medical advice. The information provided may not apply to every person or all situations. A medical practitioner should be consulted for all treatment and medication.

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