Thursday, September 29, 2011

Shift Work

Shift work can be classified as any time worked outside the 7am-7pm time frame.  Working outside these times can be difficult as the hours may be unconventional, unpredictable, and uncoordinated with family/social commitments.  Possible health effects of shift work include sleep deprivation (shift work disturbs the internal clock), social problems, increase in fatigue, and an increase in accident rates.  You can however, still get enough sleep, eat the right foods, be physically active, and maintain social connections even while working unusual hours.


Insomnia, mental and physical fatigue, indigestion, and overall feeling of ill health are common when changing the normal rhythm of waking and sleeping hours with shift work.  Some important tips to sleeping better include:

Create an ideal environment for sleeping

Use dark window shades or wear a sleep mask to make a room dark. Drown any outside noises with earplugs, a fan or air-conditioning.  Turn off any phones and answering machines.

Develop pre-sleep rituals and sleeping schedules

Use relaxation tools to unwind from work. Some examples are reading a book, listening to music, taking a warm bath or watching television.  Stick to the same sleeping patterns even on days off.

Avoid sleeping pills

Sleeping pills only provide a short term fix.  Eating well and maintaining regular exercise are healthier options to getting a good night’s rest.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol

These are stimulants that will make getting to sleep difficult.

Take naps

Try quick 30 minute naps before an evening shift to help you feel more alert.


Healthy eating can be a challenge when the only food choices available in the middle of the night are vending machines and 24-hour fast food restaurants.  Some nutritional tips to help you day or night include:

Plan lighter meals and smaller portions

Suggestions include toast with a topping, soup, salad, or salad sandwich.  Eating lighter meals can decrease the risk of disturbed sleep from gastrointestinal disturbances.

Take nutritional snacks to work

      Include yoghurt, fruit bread, fruit, wholegrain crackers, and carrot/celery sticks.

Keep up fluid and fibre intakes

      Receive fibre from whole grains, cereals, fruits and vegetables.

            Caffeinated drinks should be consumed before or early in a shift.

    Choose low GI foods

           These are foods that take longer to digest and release energy slowly.    

     Sample Low GI Foods
· Low fat fruit smoothie
· Porridge with raisins
· Peach and raspberries through a tub of yogurt
· Bowl of low GI cereal (e.g. Allbran, Guardian,
· Special K, Rice Bran) with milk and fruit
· Bowl of pasta with tomato or pesto sauce
· Wholegrain sandwich
· Grilled tomato and cheese on wholegrain bread
· Fruit salad and yoghurt
· Jacket potato with baked beans
· Spaghetti Bolognaise with green salad
· Chicken stir-fry with basmati rice or  noodles
· Steak with low GI veggies (e.g. sweet corn, sweet potato)
· Spinach and ricotta tortellini with tomato pasta sauce and a green salad


Fitting regular exercise into lifestyle patterns can help improve sleep, energy levels, mood, maintain a healthy body image, decrease musculoskeletal problems, and decrease psychological problems. 

Some simple exercise tips include:
· A 20-minute workout before work such as a brisk walk, jog or swim. This will keep the heart healthy and increase alertness on the job
· Take short breaks every two hours during work to walk around the building or stretch
· Create incidental exercise by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking farther away in the parking lot, or riding a bike to work
· Find a buddy to do exercise with and participate in social exercise events
· Make time in the schedule to visit a gym before or after work; these will often be the quiet times during gym opening hours and some gyms even offer discounts for people who come in off-peak times
· Buy a home-gym or exercise equipment to fit in activity when it suits you

 Social Life

Juggling a family and social network with shift work is tough. To help maintain a family and social life try these few simple tips:
· Plan at least one meal together with the family each day
· Include exercise with the family when feasible
· Plan get togethers and quality time with family and friends on days off
· Be creative—plan a breakfast date for example for a nice end of the day for you and a nice start of the day for your loved one
· Become friends with fellow shift-workers so that you can socialise together in your time off
· Try day classes or correspondence classes to keep your life interesting and improve your skills.

Helpful hints to apply during shift work

· Contact others regularly to keep alert in a sedentary job
· Listen to a radio to help keep the mind active
· Ensure workplace has proper lighting
· Take regular breaks through the shift
· Do not work more than 2 consecutive 12 hour shifts
· Have different tasks and responsibilities through job rotation
· Be aware of fatigue when driving home from work
· Keeping alert can be as simple as going to the bathroom to wash your hands and wet your face


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