Thursday, October 6, 2011

Core Stability Advanced

Kneeling Superman
Begin on your hands and knees with your neck in line with your body.  Extend your right arm overhead, and your left leg out straight.  Maintain balance, and hold for 60 seconds. Repeat on the other side.   
Special Instructions: Contract through your abdominal muscles to stop any arch in the small of the back.

Curl Up
Lie on the floor (or mat) on your back. Your knees should be bent and one foot flat on the floor and the other straight.  Place your hands behind head.  While exhaling lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Hold for 2 seconds, slowly inhale and lower back to floor. 
Special Instructions: Do not use your hands and arms to help lift you up - use abdominals and hips.

Lie on the floor (or mat) on your back with your arms by your side. Your knees should be bent and feet flat on the floor. While exhaling lift your hips off the floor  and into a straight line with your body.  Hold for 10 seconds, slowly inhale and lower back to floor. Repeat 5 times.
Special Instructions: Don't strain! and remember to breathe! To advance further, extend your left leg straight out and hold for 10seconds before repeating with your right leg. Do not use hands and arms to help lift you up - use abdominals and hips.

Fitball Twists
Begin with both shoulder blades resting on the fitball and your feet flat on the floor, shoulder width apart. Extend both arms upwards towards the ceiling. While actively engaging your core stability muscles, rotate your trunk to the right and hold for 5 seconds. Return to the centre and repeat on the left. Complete 5 rotations to each side. 
Special Instructions: Keep your feet flat on the floor to maintain stability and balance throughout the exercise. Remember to breathe!

Plank on Fitball
Begin by kneeling on the floor and your elbows on the fitball. Your feet should be shoulder width apart. Tuck your toes under and lift your knees off the floor so that your body forms a diagonal line. Activate your core stability muscles, and hold this position for as long as possible before returning to your knees. Challenge yourself to hold for longer. Repeat 2-3 times.
Special Instructions: Don’t let your hips/knees drop or your bottom raise.  

Reverse Crunch with Fitball
Begin by lying on your back, with your arms outstretched by your sides. Place the fitball between your legs so that it contacts your right heel and the front of your left foot. Activate your core stability muscles and slowly lift your legs into the air. Inhale and slowly lower legs to the floor. Repeat 10-15 times before alternating leg position.
Special Instructions: Keep your lower back in contact with the floor. To advance; keep your legs as straight as possible, and lower to just above the floor without touching the floor before lifting the legs again don’t let the legs touch the floor!

Fitball Superman
Begin by lying facedown on the fitball with the ball resting under your hips. Both arms are in contact with the floor, and are in line under your shoulders. Slowly raise your right arm off the floor and extend out overhead. Activate core stability muscles to maintain balance and composure. Hold for 10-15 seconds before returning to the floor and changing to the left arm. Repeat 5 times.
Special Instructions Don't arch your back. Don’t rotate your trunk or shoulders to support your body.


Abdominal Exercises Website:

For more information
Wesley Corporate Health
Level 2, 46 Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
Phone: 07 3234 2600

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